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Celebrating 10 Years of Building Hope!

By August 22, 2024Uncategorized

It is hard to imagine, but as of today, our ministry celebrates ten years of serving the poor, counting from the day we officially received our 501c3 designation: August 22, 2014. We have been reflecting the last few weeks in preparation of this day and we stand in total awe of how far we have come as a God-honoring organization, in a relative short amount of time. The Lord has been faithful each step of the way.

Since Paradigm Foundation’s launch:

  • We currently serve in 4 countries: Dominican Republic, Brazil, Kenya, CAR (there are some new countries in the planning phases – stay tuned!)
  • 62 Homes built – Families served
  • 2 Churches constructed
  • 1 Resource Center was completed (used for Biblical and general skill training)
  • 1 Farm and 1 Well were established in CAR (to provide food and clean water during thepandemic)
  • 20 Build Trips
  • Countless stories of families andcommunities encouraged because of strengthened
    material and spiritual foundations
  • Innumerable future generations impacted with the Gospel
  • Your generosity has provided almost $2 Million in funding!! The lack of overhead andminimal admin costs ensures your gifts go to those who need it most.

Thank you for your support, prayers and encouragement over the last ten years. There is no

greater purpose in this life than to serve the living God, and we have experienced that there is no greater joy than to join Him in His work. There is a quote in the Kelly Minter Nehemiah study which read and encouraged us: “God stands to accomplish the impossible through us, while too often we are content to settle for the explainable.” May we continue to be a ministry that refuses to settle and walk in faith. May we continue to look for God in the details,
and expect to accomplish the impossible with, and for, the glory of our loving God.

Here’s to 10+ more years of building hope in the name of Jesus!