Dear Builders of Hope,
We continue to be encouraged by how intentional the Lord has been in directing our steps and seeing many family legacies changed because of the gospel and their new, safe homes. In 2024, through your generous giving and by God’s grace, we were able to complete:
- 6 Families around the world have been served with a new home
- 3 Homes are currently under construction
- 1 Church was built and dedicated in Kenya
- 1 Resource Center received a new roof in the Amazon
- 2 build trips were sent to the Dominican Republic and Kenya
- Kicked off a new partnership with Justice and Mercy International
We continue to pray and plan with expectancy for 2025 to serve some of the 700 million people living in extreme poverty today. Our ministry goals for 2025 are to:
- Build 2 homes in the Dominican Republic
- Build 6 homes in Kenya
- Build 2 homes in Central African Republic (and possibly a church)
- Build 2 homes in the Amazon and a shelter for at-risk youth
- Launch a new partnership in Guatemala and build 2 homes
- Launch a new partnership in Moldova and build 1 home
- There are several opportunities in Mexico and Mozembique we are also working on so more to come!
But to make this significant impact – we need YOUR help! Would you please consider Paradigm Foundation for your year-end giving and partner with us to build hope? As always, we have no overhead so 100% of what you give goes directly to those who need it most. God has shown us time and again these homes not only have gospel and generational impact, but they have become beacons of hope in impoverished communities with some families using the homes to host youth groups, fellowship groups and prayer gatherings.
We are grateful for this calling and are committed to stewarding the ministry well. The Paradigm Board of Directors and Advisors thank you and are grateful for your consideration and continued partnership as we seek to continue to love, build and serve those living in ultra-poverty. Many Blessings to you and your family this Christmas season and a happy 2025!